Chapter Fall Recap
This Year has been one to remember for the Brothers of the Delta Chi Miami chapter. Our chapter was granted two awards over the summer at the Delta Chi Convention in St. Louis. One of these awards was the “Outstanding Chapter/Colony Program” in the Red Division. Community service in the Miami chapter has been revitalized with the partnership of the chapter with the Animal Adoption Foundation and Oxford Kiwanis. We also were awarded Chapter of the Year by Miami, and two of our exec members won individual awards!
Regarding Philanthropy, the chapter started out with a chapter basketball tournament and raised $180 supporting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). We had our second event called "Pie a DChi", raising a little over $500. Finally, we partnered with Alpha Kappa Psi to set up the Butze Memorial 5k, which is an annual tradition. We welcomed 9 new members into the fall pledge class. Since then, our focus has shifted to preparing for Spring Rush. Over the course of the semester, we have hosted multiple events like Monday Night Football, bowling, and Skipper's restaurant outings.